When we look at the shape of the PPC, we find that it curves inward or in other words, it is concave to the origin. Why is the PPC Concave to Origin? The PPC is concave because it has an increasing slope . This means for every additional unit of rice to be produced, more and more of wheat needs to be sacrificed i.e., for every increase in the production of rice, the quantity of wheat given up is increasing . Combination Units of Wheat Units of Rice A 10 0 B 9 1 C 7 2 D 4 3 E 0 4 When a nation moves from a combination A to B, it is giving up 1 unit of wheat to gain 1 more unit of rice, moving from a point B to C means losing 2 units of wheat for increasing a unit of rice, point C to D shows 3 units of wheat have to be sacrificed to get an additional unit of rice. Why does the PPC have an Increasing
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